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2024 Publications
98 | L. S. John, S. Yoon, J. Li, P. Wang, Anomaly detection using convolutional autoencoder with residual gated recurrent unit and weak supervision for photovoltaic thermal heat pump system, Journal of Building Engineering 100 (2025) 111694, |
97 | AI agent-based indoor environmental informatics: Concept, methodology, and case study, Building and Environment (under review) |
96 | Identifying occupant behavioral impacts on stack effect in high-rise residential buildings: Field measurements, Building and Environment (under review) |
95 | GPT-based virtual model development, diagnosis, and calibration for building digital twins, Automation in Construction (under review) |
94 | GPT-based intelligent urban digital twins (I-UDT): Concept, methodology, and case studies, Smart Cities (under review) |
93 | DT-BEMS: Digital twin-enabled building energy management system for building energy efficiency and operational informatics, ENERGY (under review) |
92 | GPT-based intelligent digital twins for building operations and maintenance, Journal of Building Engineering (under review) |
91 | Y. Li, J. Lee, J. Li, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Nonintrusive in-situ modeling for unobserved virtual models in digital twin-enabled building HVAC systems: A one-year comparison of physics-based and data-driven approaches in a living laboratory, Journal of Building Engineering 101 (2025) 111811, |
90 | Virtual in-situ calibration for digital twin-synchronized building operations, Energy and Buildings (under review) |
89 | S. Choi, S. Yoon, GPT-based data-driven urban building energy modeling (GPT-UBEM): Concept, methodology, and case studies, Energy and Buildings 325 (2024) 115042, |
88 | Autonomous In-situ Modeling for Virtual Building Models in Digital Twins, Automation in Construction (under review) |
87 | J. Jing, S. Yoon, J. Joe, E.J. Kim, Y. H. Cho, J. H. Jo, Demonstrating the use of absolute pressure sensors for monitoring stack-driven pressure differences in high-rise buildings, Building and Environment 270 (2025) 112500, |
86 | J. Song, S. Yoon, Ontology-assisted GPT-based building performance simulation and assessment: Implementation of multizone airflow simulation, Energy and Buildings 325 (2024) 114983. |
85 | S. Yoon, J. Lee, J. Li, P. Wang, Virtual In-situ Modeling between Digital Twin and BIM for Advanced Building Operations and Maintenance, Automation in Construction 168 (2024) 105823. |
84 | Multi-source data fusion-driven urban building energy modeling, Sustainable Cities & Society (under review) |
83 | Metadata schema for virtual sensors in digital twin-enabled building systems using Brick schema, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (submitted) |
82 | Enhancing 1D Convolutional Neural Network for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Fan Coil Unit Using Multiple Datasets and Models, Journal of Building Engineering (under review) |
81 | Research on the sensor fault diagnosis and abnormal data repair of environmental control system in a terminal, Journal of Building Engineering (under review) |
80 | In-situ sensor calibration and fault-tolerant building HVAC control: an EnergyPlus-Python co-simulation testbed, Building and Environment (under review) |
79 | A digital twin platform-based sensor fault prediction and reverse traceability approach for smart energy systems, Energy and Buildings (under review) |
78 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, Enhancing In-situ model accuracy in building systems with augmentation-based synthetic operation data, Journal of Building Engineering 101 (2025) 111623, |
77 | Sensor fault diagnosis and calibration based on voting mechanism for online application using virtual in-situ calibration and time series prediction, Building and Environment (under review) |
76 | Model fusion algorithms for digital twinning in built environments, Sustainable Cities and Society (under review) |
75 | J. Jing, K.H. Ji, S. Yoon, J.H. Jo, A novel method for evaluating stack pressure in real high-rise buildings: optimization of measurement points, Building and Environment 259 (2024) 111661. |
74 | J. Lee, S. Yoon, Metadata schema for virtual building models in digital twins: VB schema implemented in GPT-based applications, Energy and Buildings 327 (2025) 115039, |
73 | S. Yoon, Virtual Building Models in Built Environments, Developments in the Built Environment 18 (2024) 100453. |
72 | G. Li, Y. Wu, S. Yoon*, X. Fang, Comprehensive transferability assessment of short-term cross-building-energy prediction using deep adversarial network transfer learning, Energy 299 (2024) 131395, |
71 | S. Choi, S. Yoon, Change-point model-based clustering for urban building energy analysis: A case study on electricity energy data in commercial buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 199 114514, |
70 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, In-situ backup virtual sensor application in building automation systems toward virtual sensing-enabled digital twins, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 66 (2025) 105792, |
69 | J. Wang, Y. Tian, Z. Qi, L. Zeng, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Sensor fault diagnosis and correction for data center cooling system using hybrid multi-label random Forest and Bayesian Inference, Building and Environment 249 (2024) 111124, |
68 | J. Li, P. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Rezgui, S. Yoon, T. Zhao, Analysis of sensor offset characteristics in building energy systems based on redundant sensors: A case study on variable air volume system, Energy and Buildings 306 (2024) 113957. |
67 | S. Choi, H. Lim, J. Lim, S. Yoon, Retrofit building energy performance evaluation using an energy signature-based symbolic hierarchical clustering method, Building and Environment 251 (2024) 111206. |
66 | S. Yoon, J. Lee, Perspective for waste upcycling-driven zero energy buildings, Energy 289 (2024) 130029, |
65 | J. Koo, S. Yoon, Neural network-based nonintrusive calibration for an unobserved model in digital twin-enabled building operations, Automation in Construction 159 (2024). |
64 | P. Wang, J. Sun, S. Yoon, L. Zhao, R. Liang, A global optimization method for data center air conditioning water systems based on predictive optimization control, Energy 295 (2024) 130925, |
63 | J. Koo, S. Yoon, Simultaneous in-situ calibration for physical and virtual sensors towards digital twin-enabled building operations, Advanced Engineering Informatics 59 (2024) 102239, |
2023 Publications
62 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, In-situ observation virtual sensor in building systems toward virtual sensing-enabled digital twins, Energy and Buildings (2023) 112766. |
61 | P. Wang, C.Li, M.N. Hossain, S. Yoon, L. Zhao, R. Liang, H. Guan, Research on designated calibration method of fault sensor in PVT heat pump system based on fault detection and virtual calibration, Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107237, |
60 | R. Liang, C. Wang, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Realization of rule-based automated design for HVAC duct layout, Journal of Building Engineering 80 (2023) 107946, |
59 | J. Kim, S. Yoon, Virtual PMV sensor towards smart thermostats: Comparison of modeling approaches using intrusive data, Energy and Buildings 301 (2023) 113695, |
58 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, Surrogate-assisted high-accuracy observation modeling in building digital twins: In situ modeling without sensor observation (Y), Building and Environment 242 (2023) 110584, |
57 | S. Yoon, J. Koo, In situ model fusion for building digital twinning, Building and Environment, Building and Environment 243 (2023) 110652, |
56 | J. Li, P. Wang, X. Han, T. Zhao, S. Yoon, Strategies for sensor virtual in-situ calibration in building energy system: Sensor evaluation and data-driven based method, Energy and Buildings 294 (2023) 113274,
55 | S. Yoon, Building Digital Twinning: Data, Information, and Models, Journal of Building Engineering, Journal of Building Engineering (2023) 107021, |
54 | P. Wang, C. Li, R. Liang, S. Yoon, S. Mu, Y. Liu, Fault detection and calibration for building energy system using Bayesian inference and sparse autoencoder: A case study in photovoltaic thermal heat pump system, Energy and Buildings 290 (2023) 113051, |
53 | S. Yoon, Y. Choi, J. Koo, In situ virtual sensors in building digital twins: framework and methodology, Journal of Industrial Information Integration 36 (2023) 100532, |
52 | J. Kim, S. Yoon, J. Koo, J. Bak, J. Lim, In situ virtual sensing for dwelling infiltration rates in multi-unit residential buildings (2023) 106225, |
51 | S. Choi, S. Yoon, Energy signature-based clustering using open data for urban building energy analysis toward carbon neutrality: A case study on electricity change under COVID-19, Sustainable Cities and Society 92 (2023) 104471, |
50 | Y. Tian, J. Wang, Z. Qi, C. Yue, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Calibration method for sensor drifting bias in data center cooling system using Bayesian Inference coupling with Autoencoder, Journal of Building Engineering 67 (2023) 105961, |
49 | S. Yoon, In situ modeling methodologies in building operation: A review, Building and Environment (2023) 109982, |
48 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, C.Y. Park, K.C. Lee, In-situ observation and calibration in building operation: Comparison of intrusive and nonintrusive approaches, Automation in Construction 145 (2023) 104648. |
47 | J. Li, P. Wang, J. Li, H. Xing, T. Zhao, S. Yoon, Improvement for energy efficiency and control characteristics in variable air volume system using in-situ sensor calibration method based on autoencoder, Journal of Building Engineering 63 (2023) 105559. |
46 | Y. Hong, S. Yoon, S. Choi, Operational signature-based symbolic hierarchical clustering for building energy, operation, and efficiency towards carbon neutrality, Energy 265 (2023) 126276. |
2022 Publications
45 | S. Park, S. Park, S. Yoon, D. Song, Predicting airtightness using differential pressure in actual climate conditions: Theory and implementation, Indoor and Built Environment. (2022). |
44 | J. Koo, S. Yoon, In-situ sensor virtualization and calibration in building systems, Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119864. |
43 | S. Yoon, Virtual sensing in intelligent buildings and digitalization, Automation in Construction. 143 (2022) 104578. |
42 | Y. Hong, S. Yoon, Holistic Operational Signatures for an energy-efficient district heating substation in buildings, Energy. 250 (2022) 123798. |
41 | T. Lee, S. Yoon, K. Won, Delta-T-based operational signatures for operation pattern and fault diagnosis of building energy systems, Energy and Buildings. 257 (2022). |
40 | J. Koo, S. Yoon, J. Kim, Virtual In Situ Calibration for Operational Backup Virtual Sensors in Building Energy Systems, Energies (Basel). 15 (2022). |
39 | J. Bak, J. Koo, S. Yoon, H. Lim, Thermal Draft Load Coefficient for Heating Load Differences Caused by Stack-Driven Infiltration by Floor in Multifamily High-Rise Buildings, Energies (Basel). 15 (2022). |
38 | T. Zhao, J. Li, P. Wang, S. Yoon, J. Wang, Improvement of virtual in-situ calibration in air handling unit using data preprocessing based on Gaussian mixture model, Energy and Buildings. 256 (2022). |
37 | J. Wang, Z. Huang, Z. Liu, C. Yue, P. Wang, S. Yoon, In-situ sensor correction method for data center cooling systems using Bayesian Inference coupling with autoencoder, Sustainable Cities and Society. 76 (2022). |
36 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, H. Li, Y. Choi, Y. Hong, Improved energy balance calculation of unitary air conditioners via virtual in-situ calibration, Journal of Building Engineering. 45 (2022). |
35 | J. Li, P. Wang, T. Zhao, S. Yoon, J. Wang, The effects of multidimensional data clustering on the accuracy of virtual in-situ calibration in the photovoltaic/Thermal heat pump system, Journal of Building Engineering. 45 (2022). |
2021 Publications
34 | J. Bak, S. Yoon, Dwelling infiltration and heating energy demand in multifamily high-rise and low-energy buildings in Korea, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 148 (2021). |
33 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, Autoencoder-driven fault detection and diagnosis in building automation systems: Residual-based and latent space-based approaches, Building and Environment. 203 (2021). |
32 | Y. Hong, S. Yoon, Y.S. Kim, H. Jang, System-level virtual sensing method in building energy systems using autoencoder: Under the limited sensors and operational datasets, Applied Energy. 301 (2021). |
31 | Z. Liu, Z. Huang, J. Wang, C. Yue, S. Yoon, A novel fault diagnosis and self-calibration method for air-handling units using Bayesian Inference and virtual sensing, Energy and Buildings. 250 (2021). |
30 | J. Kim, S. Yoon, J. Koo, J. Bak, Y.S. Kim, TDC-based horizontal leakage area estimation in multiunit residential buildings: Three correction factors, Building and Environment. 192 (2021). |
29 | Y. Choi, D. Song, S. Yoon, J. Koo, Comparison of factorial and latin hypercube sampling designs for meta-models of building heating and cooling loads, Energies (Basel). 14 (2021). |
28 | R. Kim, Y. Hong, Y. Choi, S. Yoon, System-level fouling detection of district heating substations using virtual-sensor-assisted building automation system, Energy. 227 (2021). |
27 | P. Wang, K. Han, R. Liang, L. MA, S. Yoon, The virtual in-situ calibration of various physical sensors in air handling units, Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 27 (2021) 691–713. |
2020 Publications
26 | S. Yoon, D. Song, J. Kim, J. Kim, H. Lim, J. Koo, Identifying stack-driven indoor environmental problems and associated pressure difference in high-rise residential buildings: Airflow noise and draft, Building and Environment. 168 (2020). |
25 | H. Lim, J. Seo, D. Song, S. Yoon, J. Kim, Interaction analysis of countermeasures for the stack effect in a high-rise office building, Building and Environment. 168 (2020). |
24 | S. Yoon, In-situ sensor calibration in an operational air-handling unit coupling autoencoder and Bayesian inference, Energy and Buildings. 221 (2020). |
23 | P. Wang, J. Li, S. Yoon, T. Zhao, Y. Yu, The detection and correction of various faulty sensors in a photovoltaic thermal heat pump system, Applied Thermal Engineering. 175 (2020). |
22 | Y. Choi, S. Yoon, Virtual sensor-assisted in situ sensor calibration in operational HVAC systems, Building and Environment. 181 (2020). |
21 | J. Bak, S. Yoon, D. Song, H. Lim, Y.S. Kim, Weather-driven infiltration and interzonal airflow in a multifamily high-rise building: Dwelling infiltration distribution, Building and Environment. 181 (2020). |
20 | P. Wang, J. Li, S. Yoon, T. Zhao, Y. Yu, The detection and correction of various faulty sensors in a photovoltaic thermal heat pump system, Applied Thermal Engineering. 175 (2020). |
19 | J. Li, T. Zhao, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Effects of various partitions on the accuracy of virtual in-situ calibration in building energy systems, Journal of Building Engineering. 32 (2020). |
18 | S. Yoon, Y. Choi, J. Koo, Y. Hong, R. Kim, J. Kim, Virtual sensors for estimating district heating energy consumption under sensor absences in a residential building, Energies (Basel). 13 (2020). |
2019 Publications
17 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, J. Wang, P. Wang, Impacts of HVACR temperature sensor offsets on building energy performance and occupant thermal comfort, Building Simulation. 12 (2019) 259–271. |
16 | P. Wang, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Z. Shen, Experimental study on the active enhancement mechanisms of heat and mass transfer in an absorption chiller (RP-1462), Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 25 (2019) 58–68. |
15 | J. Wang, Q. Zhang, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Impact of uncertainties on the supervisory control performance of a hybrid cooling system in data center, Building and Environment. 148 (2019) 361–371. |
14 | J. Wang, Q. Zhang, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Reliability and availability analysis of a hybrid cooling system with water-side economizer in data center, Building and Environment. 148 (2019) 405–416. |
13 | S. Yoon, D. Song, J. Kim, H. Lim, Stack-driven infiltration and heating load differences by floor in high-rise residential buildings, Building and Environment. 157 (2019) 366–379. |
12 | D. Song, S. Yoon, C. Jeong, J. Kim, H. Lim, Heat, vapor, and CO2 transportation caused by airflow in high-rise residential buildings, Building and Environment. 160 (2019). |
11 | P. Wang, S. Yoon, J. Wang, Y. Yu, Automated reviving calibration strategy for virtual in-situ sensor calibration in building energy systems: Sensitivity coefficient optimization, Energy and Buildings. 198 (2019) 291–304. |
~2018 Publications
10 | J. Wang, Q. Zhang, Y. Yu, X. Chen, S. Yoon, Application of model-based control strategy to hybrid free cooling system with latent heat thermal energy storage for TBSs, Energy and Buildings. 167 (2018) 89–105. |
9 | Y. Wang, P. Wang, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, M. Bai, Characteristics of flow and heat transfer of nanofluids under laminar states, Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 73 (2018) 1–16. |
8 | P. Wang, K. Han, S. Yoon, Y. Yu, M. Liu, The gas-liquid two-phase flow in reciprocating enclosure with piston cooling gallery application, International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 129 (2018) 73–82. |
7 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Strategies for virtual in-situ sensor calibration in building energy systems, Energy and Buildings. 172 (2018) 22–34. |
6 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Hidden factors and handling strategy for accuracy of virtual in-situ sensor calibration in building energy systems: Sensitivity effect and reviving calibration, Energy and Buildings. 170 (2018) 217–228. |
5 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Hidden factors and handling strategies on virtual in-situ sensor calibration in building energy systems: Prior information and cancellation effect, Applied Energy. 212 (2018) 1069–1082. |
4 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, A quantitative comparison of statistical and deterministic methods on virtual in-situ calibration in building systems, Building and Environment. 115 (2017) 54–66. |
3 | S. Yoon, Y. Yu, Extended virtual in-situ calibration method in building systems using Bayesian inference, Automation in Construction. 73 (2017) 20–30. |
2 | W. Cho, D. Song, S. Hwang, S. Yun, Energy-efficient ventilation with air-cleaning mode and demand control in a multi-residential building, Energy and Buildings. 90 (2015) 6–14. |
1 | S. Yoon, J. Seo, W. Cho, D. Song, A calibration method for whole-building airflow simulation in high-rise residential buildings, Building and Environment. 85 (2015) 253–262. |
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